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Monday, February 9, 2009

Who boy......

Today wasn't eventful. Didn't leave the house. Took a shower @ 3am. Realized people might think I'm on steroids. I have terrible back acne. Yeah, that's a symptom of most performance enhancing drugs. I'd ask my grandma to help wash my back like before, dice. She only knows I have 4 tattoos....not 6. And I don't feel like hearing her mouth. I need to get this taken care of. Otherwise, over spring break when I go somewhere sunny, I can't take off my shirt for the ladies, haha. That's why I thought for a minute Dan Bruder was on steroids. 1) because for a thin guy, he was super strong. 2) his football personality kicked in and he was a totally outrageously different person. 3) he had terrible back acne, when I saw his back.

Xavier: Renegade Angel is on. That's my favorite non-Boondocks show on there. He just said he was happy for fingering his father's killer, but sad because he found out his father's killer is himself...."He fingered himself to death" HAHA....and every fighting scene says "Taste The Pain" haha. "Whoever found it, Browned it"

Xavier1: "Except your dedication"
Xavier2: "No thanks, I'm full, I eat P*ssies like you for breakfast"
HAHAHAHA! Half the words in here are used so far out of context, its funny. I can't wait until season 2 starts. As Rubin said,: "That Show is like an acid trip"

I have 4 NBA Teams. 2 are good. 2 are really bad. 2 east conference. 2 west conference. The Portlant Trailblazers, & The Atlanta Hawks are the good teams. The Washington Wizards, and The Oklahoma City Thinger are my 2 bad teams. 2 were in action tonight. The Wizards and the Blazers. 2 teams got the W. Both @ the final play. Both by their best players. Caron "Iron Man" Butler shook Danny "Batman" Granger and hit the game winner from 18 feet about. And Brandon Roy made one of the best drives to the hoop I have seen this year. Double clutch around 3 or 4 players left. And lays it up with 1 second left. Amazing.
Matt Bonner looks so white in his black spurs jersey. I'm happy he put 23 on the Celtics. They aren't so great. I'm even happier that the suns beat the pistons (you knew I wasn't gonna forget about this). AND Grant "Body Bag" Hill Pumped one down on Rodney Stuckey. That's what you get. GET THE F*CK OUT THE WAY! That's all grant is good for. We all know he is not a shooter.

I started on my photo project. I need to knock it out, and stop being a lazy ass. Ya know? I registered for today. I am so pumped. Can't wait for afro samurai to get to my house. I am gonna rock that game.

David Lee is pretty good. I mean I've followed him since high school. Saw him in the HS dunk contest. Thought we was alittle over rated. But he is averaging a double double. He better make the knicks hall of fame when he retires. He deserves it.

I didn't know they had a commerical for "Against saying something is gay" I mean if they want people to take them seriously, why did they use wanda sykes as a spokesperson? No one can really take her seriously.

I don't like my friends who always wanna be there when they need someone to talk to, but when I come to say hi. They went ghost on me. Wtf is that?

Kevin Durant is cold. And on that note, I'm out.


P.s: I don't dislike mike, because he beat me. I dislike him because we ragged on George for the 4X1 and how George was lazy and how we need him not be lazy to break this record @ The Catholic League Meet. And then George found out and hated both of us. Then George came out and ran his ass off, who then threw it to Jamal, who ran his ass off who tried to give it to mike. Who choked. Big time. Stepped out of his lane on purpose. Because he didn't think he could do it. Because he took off too late. And we still could have won. None of those dudes could f*ck with our 4x1. I owe George a face-to-face apology. He obviously won't accept my Facebook messages and such. Then Mike proceeded to screw over out next 3 4x100s. Including the state finals....which by the way was televized. Which by the way, was my last meet running for UofD. That's my problem with him. No "sorry I f*cked up", or anything. Just kept moving, because he is only consumed by himself. Those dudes make me mad as hell. But whatever. I'm done on this. I guess if I see them, I won't be a dick.....much. But I'm out now.

1 comment:

  1. nothing much to say, cept Kobe put Bron on Clamps lol. And about the Mike thing, I was saying what Mike said, so I was just going off that lol.


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