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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"I gave birth to Jay-Z!"

This Asian dude asked me if I was from Africa......I was about to kick his ass.....but I asked him what? Then I heard him say it again, and his English was broken. @ first I thought he was trying to be a wise guy.....I was gonna fuck him up.....then I saw the rest of his was an "English as a 2nd Language class" man.....I woulda looked like an asshole, if I had, now.....good thing I got eyes, haha.
Now I'm sitting here waiting for this basketball class to start, and I hope there are 1) some white people in this class and 2) there are some women in this class, because I don't wanna just hoop with all black dudes......I do that @ the Y for free! And I better not be the worst person there. Boy....would I be pissed. Haha.
I got a 4 hour photo class.....during my sleep time....I better juice up.....haha....but I'm out, its close to class time

Peace and Love

So, um, on my last post, someone who said "they don't like me".....said they read my post everyday....well....can I atleast know who you are, please? I probably don't dislike back to me on that, por favor. (please)

1 comment:

  1. Ah...let me rephrase. I'm actually DO like you (no homo), it's just...whenever we have/had some kind of interaction, you didn't really want to talk to me, or would always brush off whatever I had to say, which is why I said you didn't really like me, and just because of that, I guess I began to dislike you as well.

    Also, no dicksuck, your music is pretty kickass.


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