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Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Its not apple sauce Its apple throwup"

So I'm sitting in the chair, getting the cross right now, and they are having some weird conversations. Like "secret CIA weirdo" stuff. I'm kinda like....."eh.....what is going on?" haha.

Oh wow, the lady who works here is pregnant. She is ditzy. Like "omg, trader Joe apple sauce is so good, but I was sick after I ate it"
*Sigh*, so odd.
This tat should be good.
My guy is super good. I like him, no homo.

I like pain, lol. Idk why. But I like it. Tattoos don't hurt much anymore. They used to. But they are fine now. he is gonna fix the cracks in my heart too. :-)
Yay. The hearts will be broken! Yay!

They are talking about the new Wolverine Movie. I can't wait until the game comes out! Hell yeah! :-)
Gonna be pumped....... And I'm gonna buy it..... And taunt Rubin....haha....

He stopped for a momment, so he can fix he words on the bottom into a stencil. I'm ok with it. He knocked off like 45$ so I'll wait however long he wants to take.

Thank you AK, Dan Bruder, and Mike Shehey, for getting me the right number. Woulda looked real stupid had I wrote the wrong number and had it etched into my arm. Haha......woulda had to cut the skin off.

Just finished the drawing.
So he is putting it in now, and it stings a little' because, its the shoulder.

Wow, he just finished. That was quick. This other guy is talking about "Naked". I read that book before. Its a good book about OCD.

"God made it easy to deal with pregnant women because there boobs get huge" HAHA!

Those people are funny.
I'm walking down the street.
About to get in the car.


P.s.: might post the pic here, first, or maybe just here.

1 comment:

  1. Post the pics soon.

    Also, please recommend some good alternative rock bands. I know you listen to a pretty good number of them, I was wondering if you knew any that you would recommend. Thanks dude.


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