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Friday, January 16, 2009

This crazy....fin

I thought that was a p.e. Learnin class. (excuse my words but) <h1> NIGGA THAT WAS A MUTHAFUCKIN PILATES CLASS. NIGGA WHAT THE FUCK???</h1> I want my money back. I am not flexible. I am flexible enough to count mad stacks, and pimp mad hoes, that's as flexible as I need to be. (sarcasism) but really, that lady almost pulled my (already injured) shoulder out of place. And said that it was my fault my shoulder popped......adre I told in the begining of class I might need surgery.

I'm also saying this now. I take like 2 courses this semester @ OCC. So if you see me in royal oak, that's why. I took some last semester too. Sorry, I'm not comfortable saying that because UofD grads are supposed to be "oh so great" I am in school, however, so don't ask me that shit, or I'll kick you in your god damn throat...and I'm not kidding.

I had English class, aswell today. @ OCC. There was this really cute (not stunning, in my opinion) girl who I sat next to. She laughed at my "under-the-breath" remarks. I felt funny for alittle bit. Next to her, on the otherside, was a UofD alum. I won't put you on blast (Stu Copely) but your ass shouldn't ignore me when you clearly know who I am. Espcially when my shirt says "U of D Jesuit Football" English teacher is a joke. 2 freakin hours to go through 16 MaFreakin papers? Wow......

I say to girls who had tramp stamps. I hate those. A lot. One was that girl who I was trying to flirt with.....I think she might be a ho. She noticed my wallet.....though 2 layer of pants and my hoodie. She might do something strange for Gross.

My day is 80% completet. Now I just gotta get this meet down, and then start on these two papers, and I'll be straight.....then I gotta eat like 9 tylenol to make my pain in my shoulder go away. I think its sprained

Peace and Love

P.S.: I still don't know who that other guy who said I shut him down when we talk.....that's starting to eat @ me a lot.....really.....well a lot when I look hear, it aint invading my everyday thoughts.

P.P.S.: Caleb "C-Boogie" Dear...... Boy you a fool, hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Just to give you a heads up....I'm not Caleb.....but i do know him.....

    But real talk Fletcher, you shouldn't feel that your any worse or better than anyone simply because you take classes at OCC. People are different, and if this the way of finding where you need to be, then go for it. I wouldn't feel ashamed of it one bit.

    Tramp Stamps=Ehh... I'm not a big fan of them, but I don't mind them.

    And once you get in shape, it's over, once you get back into Hawk Mode. But either way, congrats.


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