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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


simple enough....just tattoos....

adding to this bad boy in 2 days....

oh you'll be surprised....hell yes you will.....haha.....

then im done until Molly Brown
(YES MOLLY BROWN) births my kiddies

love her....


P.s.: my dude....speak english what u said made no kinda sense what so ever...atleast the first half didnt


  1. ''Well to start off, I watch saying that if I ever came to you like you ok, then you would know its me, and you could could confide in me. Just for future references.''

    What I meant to say was, if I ever came to you one day knowing you were stressed, that how you would finally figure out who I was. That if I was making sure you were ok if something seemed like it was wrong with you, then you would conclude that I am the person that's wrote this. That's what I meant. And if you say something like, what if more than one person asks me, then trust me, ill say something to know who you know who I am.

  2. Ahhhhhhh I need ink. In my skin. Now.
    I can't wait for spring breakkkkk. (That's when I plan to get my first.)


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