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Monday, January 5, 2009

"You Lost One......."

i am ceasing friend ship with a girl who was my sister
i am not a ho, and i will not be treated like one
so thank you for opening my eyes to that, and allowing me to realize that.
FUCK YOU!....fin

I lost a "bestie"
she wasnt a bestie....
she was a bitch...and she can read this
thank you "friend".....asshole

I had fun tonight...alot of it
it all started when i got shafted by my "sister"....AGAIN
and i was stuck with the older crew....
but i ended up gaining some new friends....
and i enjoy it...
people think i'm more mature...and think well for an 18 year old....
and thats FUCKING awesome...end of it...

i realized alot about other people, and my self tonight.....
and i realized i need to...sever ties, like.....ASAP
and that...people really do suck...and some just dont suck as much....
and i will do that.....and the funny thing is....
i'm saying i will PUBLICLY..and people just dont read that
if your caught be surprise....that shit will suck....

why is this dude....who i dont know...who i met through a regretted ex....trying to talk to me....

(i am not a homophobe...but you get it)

bout to chow on Ribs and Rice....yes right i wash my clothes...and if you dont like it....that sucks....
matter a fact fuck you!!!!!!!!!

media of the day:

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