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Monday, January 19, 2009


"I hate it here in this house jail/
locked up like a criminal with no bail/
Or A Cat With No Tail/
A King With No Flail/
Some Bread, So Stale/
But Dont Call Me The "Wonder",Unless Its Boy Genius/
Then I Aint Boy, Guy, And I Mean This/
I Come Coarse, Like Brillo/
Never Soft Like Jello/
Except to My Pillow/
When I LAy My Head To Still-o/
Rhymes, My Special Move/
Like Kamehama from Goku/
But Not As Powerful, As I Am Doubtful/
......And I Have Nothing Else To Say To Those Who Are Mouth Full...Of Shit/"

I hate my friends...
i hate my life.....
i hate it all....

i am a slacker
i dont have much of a life
i am not going anywhere next year
i am a family failure.....
they are tired of me
im going grow up like my uncle, be a fat old 50 year old slob living with my parents. i wont, becuase my dad doesnt play that.

i hate school
i hate all of you
really, its somewhat of an envy
because some of you have tools and used them
some of you dont....and still found ways to do well.
i have them....and i said
"fuck it...i dont want this shit, take my chances for me"
and many many many people did.....
and they are all great....and i am stuck here.....
at home....
spliting between Oakland and OCC....
amount to less that that pile of shit i ran over with my bike yesterday.

and it sucks....because i realize i sometimes alienate myself from people....
but when you blow me off, to i dont know...fuck some dude....
or because your too tired to hang out....but you go out anyways...
you can see why i am kinda wanting not to speak to you.

or if you point blank just break my heart......
and you know that you kinda did....
then you talk about other guys or people as if i didnt say a word to you
like...that....just pulling a straight Heisman on my ass.....ah...not very kosher...

if you cant tell, i am not very pleased.....
not at freshman year is terrible.
i hate it all.....
im like boarderline tearing up....
thats why i sleep so much, or work out so much
because i dont wanna be bothered
when i did, most of ya'll didnt give a good god damn, anyways
so now like it would really matter anyways.....

I hate this place
i just wanna leave......
and go no where....just out of the way

im done, fuck this

1 comment:

  1. I know this will sound weird, but Fletch you just have to keep moving forward. Even though things look like it's not gonna get any better, eventually you can only go so far down that you can only move up. I am here for you, even though you don't know who I am. Keep it strong, dude.


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