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Friday, April 3, 2009

Awesome, seriously

"best day of 2009" haha, no. Today was like one of the worse days ever. Thanks to the person I was rooming with. That had to be one of THE worst decisions ever. I can't feel my hands. Had to pee outside in like 30 degree weather (plus the wind blowing factor). Was not allowed into the room, by the person I was supposed to be staying with, because I couldn't walk like a mile and a half in like 45 minutes. Mind you, a mile and a half not knowing where I am. But whatever, I'm happy. Hanging out and doing the original plan. With my bff, Alex Francis Rossi. :-). Watching movies on my Netflix, and just eating pizza. "OMG, did you see that nipple?!?" ~ Rossi. I'll update on this later.

P.s: thanks, Sib


1 comment:

  1. If you felt the need to write about this instead of being an adult and just talking to be about how the weekend went, then you're welcome...

    I told you when you said you didn't know who you were staying with that you could stay with me, but I'd be really busy, and I was going clubbing Friday. You decided to go eat with Alex, and he said he'd get you back in time, so don't blame me. I told you well enough in advance that we were leaving at 9:30. And for you to ask me to compromise 4 people's valuables for 15+ minutes was crazy!

    I'm sorry it didn't work out, but don't blame me, I did my part.


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