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Monday, February 2, 2009

GatorMan25....kill yourself.

GatorMan25, who ever you are, kill yourself.
I just played this dude in NBALive09. He picked the Detroit Pistons, rated 92 overall with the daily upgrade in ratings. So because I was feeling confident, I chose the Oklahoma City Thunder. Rated 72....20 points worse than my mans. I love OKC, but there so bad in the game, that they don't even have real jerseys, or a real arena, or a real tell me why the score @ the end of 3 quarters was DET 38 OKC 57? Hmmm? (its rhetorical, your possibly one of the worse players ever. Kill yourself). I'll give that bum ass some credit. He didn't quit right them. The final score was OKC 78, DET 67. Iverson hit 5 straight 3s in the end. And STILL didn't have the highest point total. Kevin "K-Deezy" Durant lead all with 28. Man.....your sorry as hell. I feel bad for you. I'm gonna mock you for the rest of this year. Your dumb ass must not watch basketball, or else you would know never to leave jump shooters open, espcially ones that score 25 points a night (Durant) or shoot 40+% from behind the 3 point line (Both Durant and Jeff "J-Greezy" Green). You would also know the hottest rookie out right now is Russel "Russ Weezy" Westbrook. So you would possibly, I don't know, not let him get to the rim, to dunk on your whole team? Hmmm? How about that? But no, you just go by ratings, and all I know is, your grimy ass better not have sent me a message saying "you cheated" or "it was luck" or "you couldn't do it again", because homeboy, I did it fair and square, all skill, and I will do it again if you EVER challenge me in ANY sporting game/real sport EVER. I even had Jeff Green choking the game away @ the end, missing lay-ups, and you still were 15+ back. If you did send me something, I better see a "good game" and that's it. B*tch ass boy.

Anyways, congrats to the steelers I guess. I heard it was a great game. Rubin told me. I didn't watch ONE iota. I hated both teams.....why should I? Take that back, congrats Mike Tomlin. Not Ben Rothlisberger.
I was busy playing Banjo Kazooie, NCAA09 Basketball, and NBALive09 to watch, and I didn't care who won anyways.

I went 4 and 3 in NCAA. 2 wins and 2 losses with Chase Buddinger and arizona. 1 Loss with James Hardin and Arizona State. And 2 wins with Raymar, Kalin and (Your) Michigan State Spartans. I losi one is heart break fashion. I had a 1 point lead. Arizona vs Oklahoma....and Blake "meat" Griffen. Guy imbounds it to Griffen who passes it to Tony Crocker (#13 with the long sleeves). Double covered, dagger, corner 3. In 2 dudes grill. I was at a loss for words.
I watched all the "Unforgivables" today. In a row. 3 times. So 7 videos, times 3. Plus "The Long Afternoon" parts 1&2. And the Visitor parts 1&2. So I wasted about a good hour and a half just infront of the computer....staring at it. That's messed up huh? I got an addiction to the computer. That's why I wanted internet on my I could just not need a computer, well atleast the internet portion of it.

(about a 6 hour delay)

I passed out, haha. But I'm gonna wrap this is real quick.

Bout to go to math. Hope I got above a B on this test.

I'm gonna go now, my head hurts.

HOB UP!!!!!!

P.S: OHKLAHOMA CITY, REALLY? Garbage ass ni**a

1 comment:

  1. Damn, the Pistons are having a bad year in the virtual world too, damn ?


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